Final Product

Sunday 8 January 2012

No.12 - Second Mood Board

Mood Board Explanations

I added this photo because the girl in it is almost how I imagined our main character and she is fixing her hair which is a habit I believe our character would have to show a bit of a lack of confidence.

I thought this photo was suitable because it shows a girl getting ready in her room which is what we plan to have as the basis of our opening sequence

I thought the make-up was relevant as the characters would be at the age when they will probably be wearing and experimenting with quite a bit of make-up and I imagined there would be products like this lying out in the characters room.

This is relevant as when the two characters meet they exchange numbers

I imagined this would be something that the main character would have done expressing how happy she is with this guy

I used this as it shows a look of shock representing when the cheating is seen. The lipstick and nail varnish also show how the main character changed herself and dressed up to look good for this boy.

I used this because it shows the lack of self-esteem that the main character would have after finding out that her boyfriend is going with someone else as well. I also believe that this character would have had much self-confidence to begin  with but this was lifted by the attention she received from this guy.

I added a photo of Taylor Swift because I could imagine her playing the other girl who the boyfriend was cheating with.

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